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Organization Chart

Outline of PTA Roles and Responsibilities: 


- Chairperson, will provide leadership, enthusiasm and, most importantly, dedicated support of the PTA, teachers and parents alike.  The chairperson will coordinate the organization of all PTA events and lease with the head of school to ensure that the PTA is working in harmony with the school
- Co-Chair, will support the Chairperson
- Secretary, will take notes in all meetings. Keep PTA members reccords up to date. Help other comittees and leaders as needed. 
- Treasurer, will monitor all money going in and out. They will need to present a document at the end of the year outlining expenses and profit.  Will give money to committees as needed based on group PTA decisions and  keep Chair and Co-chair up to date on all finances and present current status in each meeting. 
- Events Committee, will organize and and run all events smoothly.

- Welcome/Newcomers Committee, will be in charge of monthly coffee mornings and special parents workshops as well as welcoming new families. Welcome committee will make sure all new parents find their way to facebook group, coffee mornings and school events. 

- Charity Committee, will organise fundraisers for our chosen charities and help with hand over of funds/items.

- Volunteers Committee, will be in charge of getting volunteers for helping the teachers inside and outside of class and also to get volunteers to help other committees as needed.
- Public Relations, will make sure all events set by other committees are up in calendar on boards, facebook and managebac. 


-Class Parents will ensure that their grade level parents are informed about school and PTA events and lease with teachers to offer support to classroom as needed.

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